Nanning Delegation Visits Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
January 08, 2024
Nanning Delegation Visits Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
Nanning Delegation Visits Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
(Jakarta News) Director Peng Jian of the Foreign Affairs Office of Nanning City, Guangxi Province, China, led a 14-member Nanning City delegation to visit the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, including the Nanning Foreign Affairs Office, at 5:30 pm on January 2 (Tuesday). Yang Xia, Chief of the Overseas Management Section, Lu Xinnan, Chief of the International Exchange Section of the Foreign Affairs Office, Chen Xuewen, Deputy General Manager of Jianning Water Investment Group Co., Ltd., Jiang Yuan, Assistant General Manager and Office Director of Jianning Water Group, Deputy Director of the Environmental Protection Division of Jianning Water Group Yu Junxun, General Manager of Guangxi Greentown Water Co., Ltd. Jiang Junhai, Chairman of Nanning Jiaotou Logistics Investment Co., Ltd. Fu Jiahe, Deputy General Manager of Guangxi Wutou International Trade Co., Ltd. Wen Huamin, Business Manager of Guangxi Wutou International Trade Co., Ltd. Chen Ruixue, Chu Liao Binglong, Chairman of Core Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Ma Xiang, Executive Vice President of Chuxin Semiconductor, Shui Yuxia, Department Manager of Public Relations Department of Chuxin Semiconductor Chen Xiaodong, and Chen Xiaodong, Chairman of Guangxi Aisheng Life Technology Co., Ltd.
Vice President Chen Xin pointed out in his speech that first of all, on behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, please allow me to extend a warm welcome to everyone! We are very happy to hold such an enterprise matchmaking meeting here, allowing our Indonesian and Nanning enterprises to Members, we can have a good opportunity to discuss development cooperation opportunities face to face.
He said that Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in Southeast Asia and is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, so it has rich natural resources and unique natural scenery. Indonesia is rich in crude oil, natural gas, coal mines, various minerals, natural rubber, logs and other agricultural and industrial raw materials. Among them, palm oil is the world's largest producer, accounting for 50% of global production. In terms of crop output, in addition to palm oil, coffee, The production of tea, spices, cocoa, rice, rubber, etc. are all among the top 10 in the world;
In terms of minerals, Indonesia is also one of the world's most important producers of nickel, coal, gold, tin and many rare metals.
He pointed out that Indonesia, as the largest economy in ASEAN, is also the only G20 country in ASEAN. Now, Indonesia's economy is booming and developing rapidly, personal income is growing rapidly, and the size of the middle class is expanding. On the other hand, Indonesia’s population structure is getting younger, with people under 30 years old accounting for more than 70.0%, and the demographic dividend advantage is significant.
Chen Xin pointed out that since President Joko Widodo came to power, Indonesia’s medium and long-term economic and social planning has focused on infrastructure construction such as ports, terminals, airports, warehousing and logistics, and electricity. In order to attract foreign investment, create jobs and promote economic growth, the Jokowi government will submit a comprehensive bill on job creation to the House of Representatives in 2020, amending existing laws including labor laws, including simplifying license legal procedures and reducing investment requirements. , increase the labor force, protect micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the ease of doing business, encourage R&D and innovation, improve government management efficiency, improve sanctions, land acquisition, plan special economic zones, and increase government investment projects, etc.
President Joko Widodo also proposed a plan to move the capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan in 2019. The main considerations include: Jakarta has problems such as perennial flooding, rising sea levels, subsidence, overpopulation, and traffic jams. He believes that moving the capital will help balance Java. The economic development gap between the island and other islands is used to drive investment projects and infrastructure development in new cities. In January 2022, it was announced and legislated to name the new capital Nusantara, and in March 2022, he led a number of provincial governors to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony. The new capital Nusantara covers an area of ​​56,180 hectares and will be constructed in phases. In the first phase, priority will be given to the construction of central agencies, including the presidential palace and civil servant dormitories. Officials estimate that the overall project will be completed in 15 to 20 years.
Indonesia is an open market. We very much welcome friends and entrepreneurs from Nanning to visit Indonesia to look for cooperation opportunities and develop their careers.
We believe that this will be a very good business development destination for everyone. At present, we are in a very good period of rapid economic development in Indonesia. We, the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, are also willing to use today's event as a starting point to form a friendly partner with your association and find business opportunities for you in Indonesia.
In his speech, Director Peng Jian of the Nanning Foreign Affairs Office thanked Chinese General Chamber of Commerce for its warm hospitality and connection. She also hopes that Indonesian companies can come to Nanning to visit and invest, so that she can respond enthusiastically to the municipal government and the business community, and make the ASEAN Expo better and better, so as to provide greater cooperation space for Indonesian corporate investors.
She pointed out: Nanning is an international metropolis that is open to cooperation with ASEAN. It is now exploring the establishment of a China-ASEAN cross-border industrial integration development cooperation zone to create an important hosting place for cross-border industries and at the same time create a first-class business environment. The two parties had a cordial exchange for more than an hour at the ICEA, and finally established a solid friendship by presenting each other with souvenirs.
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