Indonesia Outlook
The Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Republik Indonesia, English: The Republic of Indonesia), commonly known as Indonesia, referred to as Indonesia, is a Southeast Asian country, and its capital is Jakarta. Indonesia is connected with countries such as Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Malaysia.

Indonesia is made up of about 17,508 islands. It is part of the Malay Archipelago and the largest archipelago country in the world. The territory spans Asia and Oceania. It is also known as the "State of Thousand Islands," and it is also a volcanic and earthquake-rich country. The larger islands are Kalimantan, Sumatra, Irian, Sulawesi and Java.

With a population of more than 248 million (2013), Indonesia is second only to China, India and the United States, ranking fourth in the world. Indonesia is one of the founding countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations, is also the largest economy in Southeast Asia and a member of the Group of 20, and has strong aerospace technology. Oil resources can achieve a net export, and Indonesia was once a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (1962-2009) and is currently rejoining the organization. [1] The Indonesian Islands have been an important trading area since the 7th century AD.

Indonesia's local rulers have absorbed foreign cultures, religions, and political forms and have seen the flourishing Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms. Muslim businessmen brought Islam, European forces brought Christianity, and monopolized the trade of the spice islands of the Moluccas after the geographical discovery. After 350 years of Dutch colonial rule, Indonesia declared independence after the Second World War.

The Chinese enterprise consortium led by China Railway Corporation and the Indonesian state-owned enterprise consortium led by Indonesia's State-owned Construction Corporation (WIKA) signed a joint venture agreement with the Javan High Speed ​​Rail in the Indonesian capital Jakarta.

Yawon High Speed ​​Rail will connect Jakarta and Bandung with a total length of about 150 kilometers. It will use Chinese technology, Chinese standards and Chinese equipment. The design speed is 250-300 kilometers per hour. Upon completion, the time from Jakarta to Bandung will be reduced to approximately 40 minutes.
Sahid Sudirman Center 57th Floor Unit B-C
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 86, Jakarta 10220 - Indonesia
Phone Number : +62 21 50868200
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