Macau-Hengqin Investment Promotion Seminar was Successfully Held in Jakarta
March 13, 2023
Macau-Hengqin Investment Promotion Seminar was Successfully Held in Jakarta
Macau-Hengqin Investment Promotion Seminar was Successfully Held in Jakarta
(Jakarta News) The Macau-Hengqin Investment Promotion Conference (Macau- Hengqin Investment Promotion Conference) will be held at the Indonesian Hall of Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta from 10 am on March 13, 2023 (Monday).
Firstly, Zhang Weifeng from the Macao Economic Development Council presided over the opening and introduced the guests and agenda. Fu Yongge, deputy director of the cooperation zone executive committee, said in his speech that he led the economic and trade exchange delegation to visit Indonesia to introduce the investment environment policies, development orientation and opportunities of the cooperation zone, promote understanding of the cooperation zone's business opportunities, and promote investment attraction. More are welcome Indonesian enterprises visited Macao for a visit and investment investigation.
Zhang Jinxiong, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, pointed out that Indonesia and Macau have had a good foundation for interaction and cooperation over the years. We also sincerely hope that our bilateral cooperation will be more and broader in the future. We sincerely welcome entrepreneurs and friends from Macau to come to Indonesia more often to expand your business territory to Indonesia. Our Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will continue to do a good job in service work and provide necessary legal and regulatory consulting services for everyone who comes to Indonesia for investigation and settlement. Contribute to building a better future together. Finally, I wish all leaders, entrepreneurs and friends, this trip to Indonesia a complete success!
After introducing the Macao-Hengqin business environment, Fu Yongge, deputy director of the Executive Committee of the Cooperation Zone, sincerely invited entrepreneurs from Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to take the time to visit Macau and Hengqin, invest in business, and share the dividends of development, and hoped that Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will play its own uniqueness the advantages, especially the role of bridges and ties, and the rich resources of the Internet website industry will promote the deepening of cooperation between Indonesia and China, especially between Macao and Hengqin. We will also provide all-round support and guarantee for Indonesian enterprises, and do a good job Various services help Indonesian companies expand business opportunities and invest in development dividends. Finally, I would like to thank Indonesian companies for attending today's investment promotion conference and wish this event a complete success.
After that, Yu Yusheng, Acting Chairman of Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, introduced the investment environment of Macao, Zhang Ge, deputy director of Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, introduced the investment environment of Hengqin Cooperation Zone, director and deputy director of Guangdong-Macao Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd. General Manager Wang Dan introduced the industrial park, and Dr. Lu Gang, co-founder of BEYOND EXPO, introduced the BEYOND International Science and Technology Innovation Expo.
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