Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Received The Delegation of Shandong Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Chamber of Commerce
October 25, 2022
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Received The Delegation of Shandong Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Chamber of Commerce
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Received The Delegation of Shandong Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Chamber of Commerce
(Jakarta News) A delegation led by Yu Jianlin, Executive Chairman and Secretary General of Shandong Chamber of Commerce for Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation, including Deputy Director Li Huayi, General Manager of Shandong Fangzheng International Talent Cooperation Co., Ltd. Wang Guoliang, China Power Construction Group Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. Yue Jianbo, Deputy General Manager of Indonesia Company Ltd., Sun Mingyang, Commercial Manager of Asia Pacific Company of Shandong Hi-Speed ​​Group International Company, Wen Shilin, Legal Minister of Qingdao Zhongcheng Group Co., Ltd. Indonesia Company, Yang Wen, General Representative of Shandong Weichai Group Indonesia, and Shandong Lineng Power Technology Li Jie, the business manager of the Indonesian company of Co., Ltd., visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association at 3 pm on October 7 (Friday). , Guan Mingquan, Chen Yijing, Chen Qingyu, Huang Yuxiang, Xu Qunhao, Li Wenhao, Li Huisi, Li Satisfaction, James Taroreh and others are welcome.
Chairman Zhang Jinxiong said that Shandong Province is a major province of China's economic development, a land of Qi and Shandong, a gathering of humanities and a long history. It not only has the inheritance of Confucian and Mencius etiquette for thousands of years, but also has a great reputation for cultivating modern Chinese technical talents. Since the beginning of this year, with the help of your association and President Yue, we have participated in online economic and trade conferences and exhibitions in Leling City, Dezhou City, Shandong Province and other places successively. We have also seen the rapid recovery of economic construction in Shandong Province since the outbreak of the epidemic. actions.
Today, President Yu led a delegation to visit with you, and we are also very happy. Indonesia has a good demographic dividend, huge market capacity, active government and optimistic people. These have also become an important foundation and support for Indonesia's rapid economic recovery and continuous development after the epidemic.
Although the overall international economic environment has been poor in recent years, combined with the impact of the epidemic, the Indonesian economy has also fallen into a difficult situation of negative growth in the past two years, but fortunately, our government and all walks of life have not given up. policy to reform and stimulate economic development, unremittingly and actively promote the ongoing large-scale infrastructure construction, as well as the continuous investment and promotion of the "Three-North Economic Corridor" construction, more ports, airports, power stations and other large-scale infrastructure. The planning and construction of the project, with practical actions, let everyone see a "not lying flat" Indonesia, let everyone see a responsible Indonesia, and let us, an emerging market country, maintain strong vitality and vitality.
As the most important partner country along the "Belt and Road", Indonesia and China have cooperated closely and reliably over the years. China has not only been Indonesia's largest trading partner for nine consecutive years, but has also become Indonesia's most important trading partner. country of origin of foreign investment. We have seen that in the first half of this year, the bilateral trade volume between the two countries has reached 69.7 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 29.9%, and the actual investment has reached 3.6 billion US dollars. Brands such as Gree and Xiaomi have become popular among Indonesian consumers. brand. Alibaba, Huawei and other companies have also become "big companies" well-known to young Indonesians.
As an important industrial and manufacturing province in China, Shandong Province has a lot of experience and technology to share. We also welcome the Shandong Provincial Government and enterprises from Shandong Province to come to Indonesia to take a look, discover business opportunities, and develop Business map. Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will, as always, give full play to our own advantages, become a platform for information communication and business negotiation between entrepreneurs from both sides, and actively promote trade exchanges and cooperation between India and China. Finally, I also wish President Yu and everyone a successful trip to Indonesia.
Executive Chairman Yu Jianlin pointed out that up to now, Shandong Province has invested in 43 enterprises, 78 engineering projects and 4 industrial parks in Indonesia. These enterprises abide by laws and regulations in Indonesia, work hard, and contribute to the economic and social development of Indonesia. make an active effort. I believe that with the strong support of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and all the friends present, and through the efforts of Shandong enterprises, they will have a bright future and make greater contributions to the development of China-Indonesia cooperation.
Shandong Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Chamber of Commerce sincerely hopes to cooperate with Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association for mutual benefit and win-win, and jointly create a better tomorrow. And sincerely wish Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association of Association Chairman Zhang Jinxiong and all the leaders good health, prosperous business and great achievements.
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