Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and the Fujian Association of Associations hosted Lin Baojin, Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, China, in the banquet hall of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta
April 05, 2023
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and the Fujian Association of Associations hosted Lin Baojin, Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, China, in the banquet hall of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and the Fujian Association of Associations hosted Lin Baojin, Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, China, in the banquet hall of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta
The leaders and guests attending the dinner included: Lin Baojin, secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, Ms. Lin Youna, special advisor and deputy secretary-general of the Minister of Maritime Affairs of Indonesia, Wu Yongzhong, the mayor of Fuzhou, Huang Jianxiong, the deputy mayor of Fuzhou, Yu Yuling, the general chairman of the Fujian Association of Indonesian Associations, Yao Zhongcong, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Zhang Jinxiong, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Steering Committee, Chairman of India-China Business Council Dr. Lin Wenguang, Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Honorary Chairman Lin Hongxiu, Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Permanent Honorary Chairman He Wenjin and Fuzhou City There are more than 150 members of the economic and trade exchange delegation and representatives of well-known enterprises in China and Indonesia.
At the party, Yu Yuling delivered a speech. On behalf of the Fujian Association of Associations, please allow me to extend a warm welcome to you and best wishes to all the guests attending tonight's event. He said, "We have seen that under the leadership of Secretary Lin and the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Fuzhou City, including its 8 subordinate cities and counties, is developing rapidly. City, our overseas Fujian folks are very happy for the development of their hometown. China’s investment in Indonesia has grown rapidly and has become Indonesia’s largest source of investment. Indonesia hopes to maintain and enhance the growth momentum of Chinese investment through continuous exploration of investment potential. Fujian folks There are tens of millions of people in Indonesia, and Fujian folks are involved in all walks of life, and some enterprises play a leading role in Indonesia.”
He also said: "Ladies and gentlemen, Indonesia is a hot spot for investment. It has political stability, social stability, good climate, and beautiful human customs. Indonesia is also rich in natural resources and labor resources. The investment environment is quite superior. India and China are in There is broad space for cooperation in various fields. Today, the Chinese government continues to improve investment laws and improve the investment environment. Indonesia's economic growth rate will reach 5.3% in 2022, and it is predicted that it will exceed 5% in the next two years. The Indonesian government will continue to focus on the economy in the future growth, curbing inflation, improving employment, reducing unemployment and narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. "There will be times when the wind and the waves cleave, and the sails will hang on the clouds to help the sea." Today, after 3 years of the epidemic, all industries are waiting for prosperity. I believe that through your support This visit can expand the space for cooperation between entrepreneurs of the two countries, strengthen cooperation, promote economic and cultural exchanges, and enhance the traditional friendship between the two peoples."
In Zhang Jinxiong's speech, Indonesia is the country with the largest number of overseas Chinese in the world. There are about 20 million Chinese, and nearly half of them are from Fujian. The economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges between Indonesia and China have lasted for thousands of years. There are hundreds of words in Indonesian today, which come from Fujian, Guangdong, and Hakka dialects. In the history of China, Zheng He, the most famous navigator, is also a great forerunner of friendship and economic, trade and cultural exchanges between our two countries.
Today, as the largest population in Southeast Asia and the largest economy in ASEAN, Indonesia is also making continuous efforts on the road of economic and social construction and development. As the only G20 country in ASEAN and an emerging economy that attracts global attention, Indonesia's development and changes in recent years have also been recognized by the world. In the past 2022, the total GDP of Indonesia will continue to rank first in ASEAN, which is about 1.32 trillion U.S. dollars, and in the context of the global economic downturn, it has achieved an annual growth rate of 5.3%, becoming a part of the global economic development. bright colors.
He finally said, "We, the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, will continue to play a good role as a platform for bilateral exchanges and cooperation, serve enterprises, communicate information, and provide as much assistance as possible for entrepreneurs from both sides. Local economy, make positive efforts.”
In his passionate speech, Secretary Lin Baojin expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and the Fujian Federation of Community Associations for their warm hospitality, and expressed his high respect to the development and contributions of overseas Chinese leaders and townspeople in their home countries.
He said, "This delegation's trip to Indonesia is to implement the Fujian practice that the leaders of the two countries have reached. We will take this opportunity to strengthen industrial interconnection, facility interoperability, and policy reciprocity in an all-round way, and continue to follow up on the implementation of signed projects. 'Two countries, two parks' will be built into a new model of China-Indonesia economic and trade cooperation and exchanges."
Secretary Lin Baojin pointed out, "Fuzhou is the capital of Fujian Province and an important starting point of the Maritime Silk Road. In 2016, it became an international sister city with Semarang City in Central Java Province, and the exchanges and cooperation have become closer. In recent years, Fuzhou has actively integrated into the 21st century maritime industry. The construction of the core area of the Silk Road, accelerating the construction of a modern international city, the development momentum is getting better and better, there are more and more opportunity platforms, the space potential is getting bigger and bigger, and the ecological environment is getting better and better. In 2022, the GDP of the region will be 12,300 100 million yuan, an increase of 4.4%. The total volume ranks 8th among Chinese provincial capital cities, the growth rate ranks among the forefront of China's trillion-dollar cities, and the per capita GDP ranks 4th among Chinese provincial capital cities. Especially the one advocated by President Xi Jinping The spirit of 'doing it right away and working hard' has become a common practice throughout the city, leading the continuous optimization of the business environment and making Fuzhou a fertile land for businessmen from all walks of life to invest and start business."
He finally said, "I hope that overseas Chinese leaders and entrepreneurs will give full play to their advantages, and serve as bridges and links in strengthening publicity and promotion, attracting capital and talents, and contributing wisdom and strength to building a closer China-Indonesia community with a shared future." The speech ended. Afterwards, the host and guest exchanged souvenirs and took a group photo.
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