Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Indonesian Fujian Association Friendship Association Held a Welcome Dinner for Fujian Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhou Zuyi and The Economic and Trade Delegation
May 22, 2023
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Indonesian Fujian Association Friendship Association Held a Welcome Dinner for Fujian Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhou Zuyi and The Economic and Trade Delegation
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Indonesian Fujian Association Friendship Association Held a Welcome Dinner for Fujian Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhou Zuyi and The Economic and Trade Delegation
(Jakarta News) Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and the Indonesian Fujian Association Association will be at the Sun City Restaurant at 6:00 pm on May 8 (Monday) for the economic and trade delegation led by Zhou Zuyihe, secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee who came to Indonesia to visit A welcome dinner was held. Ambassador Lu Kang from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, Ambassador Hou Yanqi from the Chinese Mission to ASEAN, Soegeng Rahardjo and Mayjen TNI (Purn) Sudrajat, former ambassadors of Indonesia to China, and other guests were also invited. develop.
Zhang Jinxiong, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, pointed out that Secretary Zhou Zuyi and the Fujian Provincial Government Economic and Trade Exchange Delegation are welcome. Here, first of all, please allow me, on behalf of all my colleagues in Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, to extend a warm welcome and sincere thanks to Secretary Zhou Zuyi and the delegation, as well as Ambassador Lu Kang, Ambassador Hou Yanqi who attended tonight's event, and all the guests and friends. greeting.
Zhang Jinxiong said that Fujian Province, as the core development area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and the frontier of China's reform and opening up, has natural advantages. There is a saying that "Where there is sea water, there are Fujianese". Fujian people love to work hard and dare to venture. More than a hundred years ago, a large number of Fujian coastal ancestors "traveled into Nanyang" for their livelihood. They took root here, started from scratch, and worked hard. Here, integrated into the big family of Indonesian national culture. Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association is willing, as always, to play a good role as a non-governmental bridge connecting Indonesia and China, business cooperation with Fujian, and cultural exchanges, and contribute our strength to promote economic and trade cooperation and social and cultural exchanges between Indonesian enterprises and Fujian enterprises.
We also sincerely hope that under the new round of development opportunities, Fujian Province will bravely stand at the forefront, ride the wind and waves, and lead the 40 million people from Fujian to build more beautiful, rich and livable homes, and lead a happier and better life! Finally, I wish all the leaders and guests that this trip to Indonesia will be a complete success and that all the inspections will be fruitful.
Yu Yuling, Chairman of the Indonesian Fujian Association of Associations, said, first of all, on behalf of Indonesian Association of Fujian Associations, I would like to extend a warm welcome and sincere greetings to Secretary Zhou Zuyi and his party! Fujian is an important part of the Chinese nation with a long history and splendid culture. The people of Fujian have always been industrious, brave, open and inclusive, and have made important contributions to China's development and prosperity. Fujian has unique advantages and potential, and plays an important role in China's economic development. I believe that under the leadership of Secretary Zhou, the development of Fujian in the fields of economy and culture will usher in a brighter future.
As one of the important organizations of the Indonesian Chinese community, the Indonesian Fujian Community Association has been committed to promoting exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, education, business and trade between Indonesia and Fujian, and promoting friendly exchanges between the two places. In future cooperation, we will continue to make unremitting efforts to promote exchanges and cooperation between Indonesia and Fujian.
At the business promotion conference hosted by the Fujian Department of Commerce tomorrow, entrepreneurs from Fujian and Indonesia will gather together to discuss cooperation opportunities and development prospects. We wish this promotion meeting a complete success and lay a solid foundation for the cooperation and exchanges between Fujian and Indonesia. At the same time, we also look forward to more opportunities for the people of the two places to communicate with each other, deepen friendship, promote cooperation, and contribute to the prosperity and development of the two places in the days to come.
Zhou Zuyi, secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, said that the vast number of Indonesian Fujianese folks have long cherished the fine tradition of loving their ancestors and loving their hometown, and have long supported the construction of their hometown, especially during the new crown epidemic. The materials have effectively supported the overall situation of Fujian's anti-epidemic situation, which is very admirable and touching. Among them, Indonesian Fujian Association of Associations, Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and other Chinese associations actively use their advantages to serve the folks and improve the well-being of their colleagues. He has made important contributions to friendship, safeguarding the interests of overseas Chinese, telling the story of Fujian, and promoting exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Indonesia.
And I sincerely hope that all Fujianese folks will visit their hometowns with their families often, feel the local sounds, experience the changes in their hometowns, share the development opportunities in Fujian, and create a better future together, so that the bond of nostalgia will continue, and the friendship between Fujian and Indonesia will be passed down from generation to generation. Finally, I would like to thank you again for your warm reception, and sincerely wish all Fujian folks good health, prosperous career, and happy family.
Afterwards, Chairman Zhang Jinxiong of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and Chairman Yu Yuling of Indonesian Fujian Association and Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee Zhou Zuyi exchanged souvenirs.
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