ICEA Welcomes The Delegation from The Hubei Provincial Department of Commerce
January 04, 2024
ICEA Welcomes The Delegation from The Hubei Provincial Department of Commerce
ICEA Welcomes The Delegation from The Hubei Provincial Department of Commerce
(Jakarta News) Jiang Miaocheng, Vice Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, Vice Chairman Ong Zuhui, Lin Songshi, Ji Guozhang and other directors, welcomed at 2:00 pm on December 13, 2023 (Wednesday) at the clubhouse the first level of the Market System Construction Division of the Hubei Provincial Department of Commerce Investigator Cai Zizheng, Director of Jingzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau Yuan Yuzhuo, Qianjiang Municipal Commerce Bureau Yang Sheng, Hubei Provincial Cooking and Hotel Industry Association Sun Taoxiang and other entrepreneurs visited.
First of all, please allow me, on behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, to extend a warm welcome to everyone. As the largest economy in ASEAN, Indonesia is also the only G20 country in ASEAN. Now the Indonesian economy is developing vigorously and rapidly, personal income is growing rapidly, and the size of the middle class is expanding. On the other hand, Indonesia’s population structure is getting younger, with people under 30 years old accounting for more than 70.0%, and the demographic dividend advantage is significant.
In Indonesia's economic and industrial structure, the service industry is developing very fast. Indonesia has unique natural conditions. Among them, the tourism industry attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists every year with its beautiful beaches, spectacular volcanoes, cultural heritage and unique culture. In recent years, the rapid development of Indonesia's Internet economy and the influx of large amounts of foreign capital have promoted the rapid growth of Indonesia's middle class, which has brought about high-quality vacation, leisure, conferences, exhibitions and other service-related industries. provided a great impetus.
According to the latest data, in the first quarter of this year, the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia reached 2.25 million, a year-on-year increase of 508%, which has greatly promoted the rapid rebound of Indonesia’s tourism industry. The beautiful scenery and cultural heritage of various Indonesian islands attract more and more tourists. The Indonesian government is also actively promoting the development of tourism and has taken a series of measures to attract more tourists. It is expected that Indonesia's hotel industry will maintain strong growth momentum in the next few years and become one of the important pillars of the national economy.
Since President Joko Widodo took office, Indonesia's medium- and long-term economic and social planning has focused on infrastructure construction such as ports, terminals, airports, warehousing and logistics, and electricity. As the most important strategic partner of the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road", we have witnessed with our own eyes the cooperation and in-depth exchanges between Indonesia and China in all aspects over the past ten years. Nowadays, the official operation of the "Belt and Road" project with the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway as the benchmark has also effectively demonstrated the strength of China's engineering construction and technology to the Indonesian people.
Indonesia is an open market, and we very much welcome friends and entrepreneurs from Hubei to visit Indonesia to look for cooperation opportunities and develop their careers. We believe that Indonesia is a very good business development destination for everyone. Currently, it is a very good period for Indonesia's rapid economic development. The Indonesian government has provided various convenient policies and tax incentives for foreign investors. Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association is also willing to form a friendly cooperative partner with your association to provide you with services in Indonesia. Find business opportunities. Finally, I wish you all a successful trip to Indonesia and a fruitful harvest.
Cai Zizheng pointed out that he led the economic and trade delegation to visit Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and expressed his gratitude to everyone for their thoughtful arrangements. The main purpose of this visit to Indonesia is, first, to learn from Indonesia’s experience in developing business and trade. Second, promote cooperation between the two parties in the trade industry. He also briefly introduced the mission and tasks of the Market System Construction Office of the Hubei Provincial Department of Commerce. It is hoped that through this visit, the supply chain of Hubei Province’s catering industry, food industry, and large-scale retail industry can be brought to Indonesia, and that we can also find cooperation partners in Indonesia. After the exchange meeting, representatives from both sides exchanged souvenirs and took photos.
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