China (Shaanxi) Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Conference was Successfully Held in Jakarta
March 27, 2024
China (Shaanxi) Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Conference was Successfully Held in Jakarta
China (Shaanxi) Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Conference was Successfully Held in Jakarta
(Jakarta News) The China (Shaanxi) Indonesia Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Conference, hosted by the Shaanxi Provincial People's Government, hosted by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce, and co-organized by Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, will be held on March 19, 2024 (Tuesday) from 3 to 5 p.m. Held grandly in the banquet hall of Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta.
Chen Chunjiang, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province, pointed out that this promotion conference is mainly to promote the economic and trade between China's Shaanxi and Indonesia and promote the integrated development of industries on both sides. Shaanxi companies participating in the promotion conference include coal, machinery, electronics, finance, trade, and logistics. , mechanical and electrical equipment and accessories, agricultural products, new energy, automobile manufacturing, etc.
Vice Governor Chen Chunjiang said that Shaanxi and Indonesia span mountains and seas, but the people of the two places are connected, trade is smooth, personnel exchanges are frequent, and economic and trade cooperation is close. The trade volume between Shaanxi and Indonesia in 2023 is US$1.219 billion, and the turnover of contracted projects in Indonesia is US$19.06 million. As of 2023, the cumulative investment in Indonesia is US$10.38 million, mainly in mining, construction, wholesale and retail industries.
In recent years, Shaanxi and Indonesia have continued to expand areas of cooperation and deepen economic and trade exchanges through the exchange platform of the Silk Road Expo. This year, the 8th Silk Road Expo will be held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Indonesia is sincerely invited to participate in the exhibition as the guest country of the Silk Road Expo. Entrepreneurs are sincerely invited to participate in the exhibition to showcase Indonesia's characteristic products and advantageous industries, and to carry out trade and investment. Promote activities and discover new business opportunities and seek new cooperation through the Silk Road Expo. At the same time, I hope that Indonesian entrepreneur friends will travel more, communicate more, and communicate more with Shaanxi to further understand the history, culture and natural scenery of Shaanxi, experience the hospitality of the people of Shaanxi, feel the good business environment of Shaanxi, and "invest in China, choose Shaanxi" to create a better future. For a bright future of win-win cooperation, I wish this economic and trade cooperation promotion conference a complete success.
Zhou Kan, the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, said that China and Indonesia have long supported and cooperated with each other on the road to promoting development and revitalization. More than 2,000 years ago, the people of China and Indonesia overcame the barrier of the sea and opened the door to communication. The Maritime Silk Road closely connected the two countries and built a bridge of commerce, trade and people-to-people exchanges. In 2013, President Xi Jinping proposed the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" initiative in Indonesia for the first time, which resonates with Indonesia's dream of becoming a "maritime power".
In recent years, relations between the two countries have continued to deepen, forming a new "four-wheel drive" bilateral cooperation pattern of political, economic, cultural, and maritime cooperation. During the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held last year, President Xi Jinping and President Joko Widodo reached an important consensus on further deepening the China-Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership, opening a new chapter for the two countries to jointly build a community with a shared future. China has been Indonesia's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years and has been Indonesia's top three sources of foreign investment for 8 consecutive years. In 2023, the trade volume between the two countries will reach US$139.4 billion, and China's investment in Indonesia will reach US$7.4 billion. Bilateral cooperation in various fields is flourishing and fruitful.
In recent years, with the further deepening and expansion of opening up to the outside world, Shaanxi has also accelerated its opening to the east, opening up a new channel for economic and trade cooperation between Shaanxi and Indonesia. I believe that as China and Indonesia each maintain good development and China-Indonesia relations and cooperation in various fields continue to improve, the cooperation between Shaanxi and Indonesia will definitely have broad prospects and great potential, not only injecting new strong impetus into the overall exchanges and cooperation between the two countries, but also bring more tangible benefits and well-being to the Chinese people. To this end, I sincerely hope that the entrepreneur friends here will take advantage of this economic and trade cooperation promotion conference to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, seek more business opportunities, and achieve win-win, multi-win, and win-win situations. Finally, I wish this promotion meeting a complete success!
Zhang Jinxiong, General Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said that today, we hold the "Shaanxi-Indonesia Economic and Trade Promotion Conference" here, which is a very good opportunity for us to communicate more closely and directly, and share business opportunities and experiences in economic and trade cooperation and development. .
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association welcomes the leaders of the Shaanxi Provincial Government and entrepreneurs from Shaanxi. Friends can come often and visit Indonesia to learn about Indonesia’s customs and business opportunities, and jointly develop and open up a broader market. Let us Get closer and cooperate more closely! Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will also actively play its role as a bridge and platform to provide necessary legal and regulatory consulting services and assistance to everyone who comes to Indonesia for inspection, investment, and settlement. Finally, I sincerely wish today’s promotion event a complete success.
Then Jia Feng, Director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce, promoted Shaanxi’s open development, business environment and the 8th Silk Road Expo. Zhong Wei, Vice Mayor of Xianyang City, Liu Zhongshan, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Yangling Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone, Baoji Zhu Xiaozeng, deputy director of the Municipal Economic Cooperation Bureau, and Chen Di, deputy director of the Xi'an Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, held promotions.
In addition, Shang Xuan, chairman of Indonesian Inti Steel Company, Li Ce, general manager of Shaanxi Shaanxi Coal Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Chen Hongping, chairman of Indonesian PT.Resource Alami Indonesia TBK Company, and Yang Jianyao, deputy general manager of Shaanxi Tongli Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., spoke respectively. Describe their business development.
At the end of the event, representatives from Indonesian and Shaanxi companies held a signing ceremony and took a group photo. Afterwards, the companies from both sides held business exchanges and had dinner together.
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