A Delegation from The Guangxi Provincial Council for The Promotion of International Trade Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
April 27, 2023
A Delegation from The Guangxi Provincial Council for The Promotion of International Trade Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
A Delegation from The Guangxi Provincial Council for The Promotion of International Trade Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
(Jakarta News) A 14-member delegation led by Wu Juan, Vice President of Guangxi Council for the Promotion of International Trade and Deputy Secretary-General of the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Secretariat, including Huang Yingzeng, Chairman of Qinzhou Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Yu Delin, Chairman of Fangchenggang Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Guangxi International Tang An, Executive Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce, Wei Fuming, Vice President of the Guigang City Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Yang Kun, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Gangbei District, Guigang City, and Zhu Yingmin and He Zheng, representatives of the Indonesian Representative Office of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, April 18 (Tuesday) 4 pm Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association at 30:00, and was welcomed by Chairman Zhang Jinxiong, Vice Chairman Lian Jiehao, Secretary General Zhou Weiliang, Gao Pengcai, Shang Shangxuan, Li Changzu, Yang Qingshun, Weng Hualing, Liu Xinhua, Xue Jingyong, Chen Yongzhi, Xu Qunhao, Yao Hanbin, Lin Songshi, Warm welcome from James Taroreh, representative of Bank of China Jakarta Branch Liu Yue and others.
Zhang Jinxiong said, first of all, on behalf of all my colleagues in Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, I would like to extend a warm welcome and sincere greetings to all of you. As an important force in regional development, Indonesia attaches great importance to ASEAN affairs, economic and trade cooperation with China, and cultural and social exchanges. China has been Indonesia's largest international trading partner for many years in a row. In 2022, our bilateral trade volume will reach US$140.99 billion, a year-on-year increase of 19.8%, a record high.
At the same time, with the launch of RECP, Chinese companies are very optimistic about Indonesia's market capacity and Indonesia's business environment, and they have come to settle down and invest. In 2022, China has become Indonesia's second largest source of foreign investment, with a total annual investment of 8.2 billion US dollars. With the gradual recovery of international business and travel exchanges, we believe that our economic and trade cooperation will also return to the busy past.
Guangxi, as an important window area for China to connect with ASEAN, has always maintained good cooperation with Indonesia and ASEAN countries. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the China-ASEAN strategic partnership, and various conferences and exhibitions are also very lively. Our Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will also actively assist you in business matchmaking, corporate investment, consulting, and promotion of summit activities. We sincerely hope that the cooperation between Guangxi and Indonesia will be carried out in more and wider fields, and we also wish the 20th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit a complete success
Wu Juan pointed out that first of all, I would like to thank Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association for its support and assistance to the Guangxi Council for the Promotion of International Trade over the years. -The preparations for the ASEAN Expo and the Business Investment Summit, and sincerely invite Zhang Jinxiong, the chairman of the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, to lead a delegation to attend the opening of the conference, the China-ASEAN Business Leaders Forum and the 20th Anniversary Conference of the Commemorative Summit, through this conference to grasp the RCEP opportunity and promote opening up cooperation, and the China-ASEAN Commercial Law Forum on September 17. After the exchange meeting, representatives from both sides exchanged souvenirs and took group photos.
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