A Delegation from Lin'an District, Hangzhou City Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
March 20, 2023
A Delegation from Lin'an District, Hangzhou City Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
A Delegation from Lin
(Jakarta News) A six-member delegation led by Xu Gang, Deputy Director of the Government Office of Lin'an District, Hangzhou City, including Zhang Xiaofen, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Commerce, Hu Jun, Deputy Director of the Finance Bureau, Gu Xiaojing, Deputy Director of the Economic and Information Bureau, and Lv Xiaoqing, Section Chief of the Foreign Economic and Trade Section of the Bureau of Commerce And Ye Jun, Director of the Office of the Bureau of Commerce, visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association at 11:00 am on March 17 (Friday), and received the Vice President Chen Xin, Lian Jiehao, Jiang Miaocheng, Secretary General Zhou Weiliang, Deputy Secretary General Xu Qunhao, Deputy Secretary General A warm welcome from Chairman Lin Songshi.
Chen Xin said that in 2022, the bilateral trade volume between India and China will reach US$149.09 billion, a year-on-year increase of 19.8%, setting a record high. China has been Indonesia's largest international trading partner for ten consecutive years. In the past two or three years, the global economy has been affected by the epidemic and international geopolitics. Indonesia's economy has experienced a short-term trough. , rebound quickly.
From the beginning of 2022, Indonesia fully opened up after the epidemic, and international business and travel exchanges have recovered rapidly, and the Indonesian economy has also achieved steady and rapid growth in 2022. According to the figures released by the Indonesian National Bureau of Statistics, the total GDP of Indonesia in 2022 will be about 1.32 trillion US dollars, with a year-on-year growth rate of 5.31%, setting the fastest growth rate in the past ten years.
Moreover, in 2022 when global central banks will raise interest rates many times and sharply, the Bank of Indonesia will maintain its own pace and moderately mediate, laying a good investment guarantee environment for the smooth transition of the Indonesian economy and attracting investment. According to data released by the Bureau of Statistics, Indonesia will attract a total of US$45.6 billion in foreign direct investment in 2022, an increase of more than 44% from 2021. Among them, mainland China has become Indonesia's second largest source of foreign investment with a total investment of US$8.2 billion, a year-on-year increase of 156%.
We sincerely hope that our bilateral cooperation will be more and wider in the future. Sincerely welcome entrepreneurs from Hangzhou to come to Indonesia more often to expand your business territory to Indonesia. Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will continue to do a good job in service work, providing necessary legal and regulatory consulting services for everyone who comes to Indonesia for inspection and settlement. Contribute to building a better future together. Finally, I wish this trip to Indonesia a complete success.
Xu Gang first briefly introduced Lin'an District, saying that the total area is 3,126.8 square kilometers. As of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Lin'an District is 634,555.
Lin'an District is one of the second batch of pilot areas in Zhejiang's high-quality development and construction of common prosperity demonstration area. It has the title of "China Natural Oxygen Bar" creation area. , Typical counties for rural innovation and entrepreneurship in China. In addition, Lin'an District is also very rich in advantageous industries such as cables and technology, as well as humanities. Entrepreneurs from Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association are welcome to take time to visit Lin'an District and investigate investment.
Zhou Weiliang pointed out that Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association welcomes more enterprises from Hangzhou Lin'an District to do business and invest in Indonesia. We will provide the latest information on the investment of Lin'an District enterprises in Indonesia as much as we can, and act as a bridge between the two sides in the field of economy, trade and investment. Finally I wish the Lin'an District delegation a fruitful trip to Indonesia.
Zhang Xiaofen hoped that entrepreneurs from the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association could organize a delegation to Hangzhou Lin'an District for sightseeing, investigation and investment, and would provide the most convenient treatment for everyone. After the meeting, the leaders of the two sides exchanged souvenirs and took a group photo, and then went to the restaurant for dinner and exchanges.
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