A Delegation from Haicang District, Xiamen City Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
March 27, 2024
A Delegation from Haicang District, Xiamen City Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
A Delegation from Haicang District, Xiamen City Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
(Jakarta News) Chen Hongxin, Director of the Development and Reform Bureau of Haicang District, Xiamen City, and Wu Kefen, a second-level researcher, and a group of five entrepreneurs visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association at 11 a.m. on March 19, 2024 (Tuesday). They were received by the Vice President Chairman Xue Tianzeng, Secretary-General Zhou Weiliang, Xue Jingyong, Shangxuan Xuan, Xu Qunhao and Xu Changkuan gave a warm welcome.
Xue Tianzeng, Vice Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said, First of all, on behalf of all Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, I would like to extend a warm welcome and sincere greetings to all of you!
As a founding member of ASEAN, Indonesia has important influence within ASEAN. Indonesia’s population accounts for approximately 1% of ASEAN’s total population 40%. At the same time, the Indonesian market also accounts for about 40% of the ASEAN market. In recent years, the Indonesian government has vigorously promoted Indonesia's economic and social construction and development, attracted domestic and foreign investment, and achieved remarkable results. Despite the global economic downturn, Indonesia's GDP has maintained a GDP growth rate of over 5% for ten consecutive years. The huge demographic dividend, sustained and rapid development of market capacity, active and open investment policies and stable social environment have made Indonesia full of vitality and good development prospects, and has also become a "hot spot" for global investment.
Over the years, Indonesia has always attached great importance to and maintained close economic and trade cooperation with China. China has been Indonesia's largest international trading partner for ten consecutive years. In 2023, Indonesia-China bilateral trade volume will continue to exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars, and China has invested 13.9 billion U.S. dollars in Indonesia, firmly ranking as Indonesia's second largest source of investment.
Xiamen is at the forefront of China's reform and opening up and an important member of the Xiamen-Zhangzhou-Quanzhou urban agglomeration. It has also maintained good exchanges and cooperation with Indonesia. We very much welcome the Xiamen municipal government and enterprises to come to Indonesia for exchanges and inspections, and we hope that both of us can have more and better cooperation projects. We, Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, will, as always, set up a platform for bilateral exchanges and cooperation, serve enterprises, communicate information, and provide as much assistance as possible to entrepreneurs on both sides, so as to promote trade between our two countries and prosper the economies of the two countries. Make positive efforts. I wish you all a successful trip in Indonesia.
Gong Jianyang, District Chief of Haicang District, Xiamen City, pointed out that first of all, we would like to thank the entrepreneurs of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association for their warm hospitality. Our visit to Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, is mainly for inspection. The first purpose is to go on a cultural tour of gratitude. Over the years, overseas Chinese have made great contributions to the construction of their hometown. I hope that through this visit, we can establish traditional friendship with everyone and deepen the relationship between the two parties.
The second purpose is an investment exchange trip. We hope that Indonesian entrepreneurs can visit Xiamen or Haicang District in Fujian Province. We also hope that companies in Haicang can come to Indonesia to invest. Finally, we hope that through this visit, we can Strengthen communication and cooperation between the two sides in the fields of economy, trade, investment, culture and other fields.
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