The Forum on Jointly Building a Demonstration Park for Economic and Trade Innovation and Development was Successfully Held. Zhang Jinxiong, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association ( delivered a video speech )
October 03, 2022
The Forum on Jointly Building a Demonstration Park for Economic and Trade Innovation and Development was Successfully Held. Zhang Jinxiong, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association ( delivered a video speech )
The Forum on Jointly Building a Demonstration Park for Economic and Trade Innovation and Development was Successfully Held. Zhang Jinxiong, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association ( delivered a video speech )
(Suzhou News) On the afternoon of July 29, the "Forum on Jointly Building a Demonstration Park for Economic and Trade Innovation and Development" served as 5 parallel sub-forums of the "ASEAN-China-Japan-Korea (10+3) Industry Chain Supply Chain Cooperation Forum and East Asian Entrepreneur Taihu Forum" One of them was successfully held in Suzhou, Jiangsu. The forum was co-hosted by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce and the Wuxi Municipal People's Government. The “National Double Park” model will jointly build a demonstration park for economic and trade innovation and development, and invite competent authorities and cooperation entities from all parties to share more mature experience and practices, explore cooperation opportunities, deepen third-party investment cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea in ASEAN, and discuss further promoting economic and trade innovation. Develop demonstration park construction.
The forum was chaired by Fang Qiuchen, President of China International Contractors Association, and came from the competent commercial departments and local government departments of Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi and other provinces and regions, the embassies and consulates of ASEAN countries in China, and the investment entities of relevant industrial parks established by China in ASEAN. , 15 guests from the China-ASEAN Cooperation Industrial Park, ASEAN Business Associations, and think tanks delivered speeches, sharing more mature experience and practices, exploring cooperation opportunities, discussing cooperation and discussing development together. According to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, there were 100 participants in the main venue. broadcasted the forum live, and tens of thousands of people watched it online. The atmosphere of the conference was warm, and there were many messages in the live broadcast room. Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, the Singapore Chinese Enterprise Association and other business associations organized domestic and foreign member companies to watch the event simultaneously.
Yu Xiang, Deputy Director-General of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, expressed warm congratulations on the successful convening of the forum on behalf of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Commerce. He emphasized that President Xi Jinping has made full use of the role of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership to improve the level of trade and investment freedom and facilitation. , the major initiative of jointly building a demonstration park for economic and trade innovation and development, pointing out the direction for regional economic integration and promoting common development and prosperity. In recent years, all parties have actively carried out pragmatic cooperation under the 10+3 framework, especially in exploring and practicing the construction model of industrial parks and building a two-way open platform, raising the standard economic and trade rules, and promoting the integrated development of regional industrial chains and supply chains. progress and fruitful results. The Sino-Japanese Industrial Park, the Sino-Korea Industrial Park, the Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park, and the "Two Countries and Two Parks" projects with ASEAN countries have continued to advance steadily, effectively driving the rapid growth of two-way trade and two-way investment.
In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will give full play to the complementary advantages of cooperation between China and ASEAN countries to create a new carrier for high-quality implementation of RCEP, a new highland for economic and trade cooperation and exchanges, and a new platform for international division of labor and cooperation in industrial and supply chains. Guide willing Chinese local governments to do preliminary feasibility studies, and cooperate with some ASEAN countries with large market potential and good comprehensive development conditions to jointly build economic and trade innovation and development demonstration parks, so as to form industrial chain division of labor and coordination, and smooth circulation at home and abroad new development pattern. Encourage domestic enterprises with strength and good reputation to actively go to foreign parks to carry out trade and investment cooperation, strengthen the industrial integration of the two parks, achieve sustainable development, and steadily promote the joint construction of economic and trade innovation demonstration parks between China and ASEAN countries.
Zhou Wendong, Deputy Mayor of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, Syed Farezah Amini, Consul General of the Malaysian Consulate General in Shanghai, and Nobu Sasahara, Director of the Shanghai Office of the Japan-China Economic Association delivered speeches on the spot. From the perspective of the promotion agency, it analyzes the new impetus brought by the construction of international economic and trade parks to the development of enterprises and local economies under the current global economic challenges, and expresses the idea of ​​further deepening understanding, deepening friendship, extensive cooperation, and mutual benefit and win-win results. consensus and desire.
Whether the model of jointly building a demonstration park for economic and trade innovation and development is good or not, representatives of the business community have the most say. Zhang Jinxiong, President of Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Cambodia-China Council of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Economic Adviser to Prime Minister Hun Sen, and Chairman of Canadia Bank of Cambodia, Lord Fang Qiaosheng; Qiu Weigong, Chairman and President of Thailand Amed Group, and other four principals from the ASEAN Business Association specially recorded video speeches for the conference, expressing their recognition and expectations for the "two countries and two parks" model.
They said that the convening of this forum fully reflects the positive actions of the 10+3 countries and regions in promoting economic opening-up and cooperation. All countries should give full play to their comparative advantages, further integrate regional industrial chains, and promote wider economic and trade cooperation. The joint construction of economic and trade innovation and development demonstration parks has gradually become an effective cooperation model through policy system innovation, government-enterprise linkage, and the connection between upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. The ASEAN business community highly praised President Xi Jinping's important speech at the commemorative summit commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of dialogue relations between China and ASEAN, and hoped to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between trade and investment promotion agencies and business associations in the 10+3 region, and jointly seize the new opportunities brought by the entry into force of RCEP. , and make positive contributions to the rapid economic and social development in the 10+3 region.
Sun Jin, Deputy Director of the Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province, Li Shuo, Deputy Director of the Department of Commerce of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Lin Bairong, Director of the Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Fujian Province, and Lin Youhua, Executive Deputy Director of the Fuqing Functional Zone Management Committee of Fuzhou New Area, Fujian Province, and other 4 provincial and municipal businessmen The person in charge of the competent department introduced the construction of the international economic and trade cooperation parks in various places, especially the construction and experience and practices of the "two countries and two parks" economic and trade innovation and development demonstration parks. As one of the organizers of this sub-forum, Sun Jin, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce, extended a warm welcome to all the guests who came to Jiangsu to participate in the conference.
Sun Jin said that the park is the main battlefield of economic development. In recent years, Jiangsu has fully grasped the opportunity of high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", steadily promoted the construction of overseas parks, and continuously promoted the development of various levels of development zones in the province to carry out international cooperation. A group of international cooperation parks with obvious industrial characteristics and agglomeration of international capital. The Cambodian Westport Special Zone, the Indonesian East Kalimantan Island Agriculture, Industry and Trade Economic Cooperation Zone, and the Indonesian Ketapang Agriculture and Forestry Eco-Industrial Park built by Jiangsu in the ASEAN region have achieved good economic and social benefits. In order to integrate and develop in a broader regional industrial chain and supply chain, it has effectively improved the regional industrial chain agglomeration and industrial competitiveness. The heads of the business departments of Guangxi and Fujian respectively introduced the promotion of the "two countries and two parks" in China and Malaysia, the "two countries and two parks" between China (Fujian and Zhangzhou)-Philippines, and the "two countries and two parks" in Fuzhou Yuanhong Investment Zone respectively. Experiences and practices, innovative measures and cooperation ideas of the cooperative development of economic and trade innovation and development demonstration parks.
China and ASEAN, Japan and South Korea are geographically close, with convenient transportation, strong economic and trade complementarity, and a solid foundation for cooperation in industrial chains and supply chains. For a long time, China and ASEAN countries have attached great importance to the construction of "two countries and two parks", and have further promoted cooperation in the industrial chain and supply chain, with remarkable results. The forum was successfully held, and China, ASEAN, Japan and South Korea related government departments, business associations, and investment entities in the park had in-depth exchanges on the same stage. It will further promote the construction of economic and trade innovation and development demonstration parks. The forum on jointly building economic and trade innovation and development demonstration parks was successful in the afternoon. hold.
Zhang Jinxiong, Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, delivered a speech at the forum on jointly building a demonstration park for economic and trade innovation and development:
I am very pleased to be invited to participate in today's "Jointly Build Economic and Trade Innovation Development Demonstration Park Forum" event. First of all, please allow me to extend my sincere greetings to you on behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association.
Indonesia is located at the confluence of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, with a population of about 270 million. It is the fourth most populous country in the world, a founding member of ASEAN, the only G20 country in ASEAN, and the largest economy in Southeast Asia. It is an emerging country that has attracted much attention from the global market. economy country. Indonesia is rich in natural resources, with abundant reserves of various minerals, forests and marine fishery resources.
Indonesia's natural gas reserves are about 165 trillion cubic feet, and it has 40% of the world's geothermal resources. It is the world's second largest coal exporter, second largest tin producer, and fourth largest bauxite producer. , iron, copper, gold and silver resources are also abundant. In terms of international commodities, Indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil and the world's second largest producer of rubber and cocoa. At the same time, Indonesia has an excellent demographic dividend. Young people under the age of 30 account for more than half of the total population. Walking on the streets of Indonesia, you can feel it everywhere. This is a vibrant and energetic place with huge development potential country.
Indonesia's unique geographical advantage has made it a transit hub for East-West trade exchanges and freight transportation as early as the era of great navigation. It has a long coastline, abundant and diverse mineral resources, a diverse, open and inclusive culture and warm and friendly people. The people have also become a valuable resource for the sustainable development of Indonesia's economy and culture.
Indonesia and China are friendly neighbors facing each other across the sea. Whether it is the business exchanges started in the Song Dynasty, or the more widely praised great navigator Zheng Heqi led a fleet to Sumatra, Sri Vijaya and other places. Since ancient times, Indonesia and China have had close economic, trade and cultural exchanges.
Today, whether it is in the “Belt and Road” infrastructure construction cooperation, high-level government visits between our two countries, non-governmental personnel exchanges, economic and trade cooperation between medium, small and micro enterprises, or cross-border e-commerce and other fields and industries , our two countries have very close cooperation and a good development trend of mutual assistance and mutual benefit.
Despite the slowdown in Indonesia's economic growth last year due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, thanks to the government's active actions and efforts, the total GDP in 2021 will still reach US$1.185 trillion, achieving an annual growth rate of 3.69%. In addition, we are also very pleased to see that with the effective control of the new crown epidemic, the active and effective government's various fiscal stimulus policies, and the good coordination among various departments, Indonesia's economic operation is gradually returning to normal. In particular, industries such as manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail, and communications have shown rapid growth, and hotels and catering services, and transportation and warehousing have also rebounded significantly. At the same time, we also see that foreign investment, including China, is actively flowing back to Indonesia. Among them, since 2016, China has firmly ranked among the top three sources of foreign investment in Indonesia. In 2021, China will invest 3.16 billion US dollars in Indonesia, and the bilateral trade volume between Indonesia and China will be 124.34 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 58.4%.
When global economic integration is being challenged today, we should see that truly responsible countries are using wisdom and practical actions to resolve the crisis and break the deadlock.
As the rotating presidency of the G20 this year, Indonesia is facing the challenge of hosting the most difficult "G20 Summit" in history, but we are very happy to see that the Indonesian government upholds the spirit of objectivity, fairness, diversity and inclusiveness, and actively cooperates with all parties. Communication and coordination. At the same time, we have also seen that China is actively promoting the implementation and implementation of initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative and RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership). At the beginning of this year, RCEP has been implemented in China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and some ASEAN countries that already have the conditions. We believe this will be a good start, not only allowing more consumers to enjoy real The preferential treatment will also actively and effectively activate the vitality and development space of the enterprise. At the same time, through government-enterprise linkage and effective cooperation between upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, we will jointly build a demonstration park for economic and trade cooperation among our ASEAN 10+3 countries, and explore more effective and efficient cooperation methods for the implementation of the RCEP cooperation model.
We believe that the development of the world requires openness, inclusiveness, bold innovation, and efficient cooperation and linkage of a broader industrial chain and supply chain. It belongs to sustainable development, and it belongs to win-win cooperation and mutual benefit. The effective cooperation and common development of ASEAN 10+3 will also be a new engine for the future world economic development.
Finally, I would like to thank the organizing committee again for the invitation. On behalf of the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneurs Association and Indonesian entrepreneurs, I sincerely invite all the guests, leaders, entrepreneurs and friends to come to Indonesia for inspection and exchanges at a convenient time. Come and learn about the business opportunities and potential of this equatorial hot land, feel the hospitality and enthusiasm of the Indonesian people, and build a better future together!
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