A Delegation from The Jilin Provincial Foreign Affairs Office visited ICEA to Strengthen Cooperation
April 19, 2024
A Delegation from The Jilin Provincial Foreign Affairs Office visited ICEA to Strengthen Cooperation
A Delegation from The Jilin Provincial Foreign Affairs Office visited ICEA to Strengthen Cooperation
(Jakarta News) Li Jianhua, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Jilin Province, Liu Dongbai, deputy director of the Jilin Provincial Public Security Department, Ming Zhiquan, political commissar of the Jilin Provincial Public Security Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, Wang Xiaolin, second-level researcher of the Foreign Affairs Management Office of the Jilin Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, and others, April 2024 Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association at 4:30 pm on September 16th (Tuesday) and was warmly welcomed by President Zhang Jinxiong, Secretary General Zhou Weiliang, Vice President Xue Tianzeng, Lian Jiehao and other directors.
Zhang Jinxiong, General Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said, first of all, on behalf of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, I would like to extend a warm welcome and sincere greetings to everyone.
Zhang Jinxiong said that since the beginning of the 21st century, the Indonesian government has focused on economic development, focusing on strengthening large-scale infrastructure construction, and has made clear plans for the country's future mid- and long-term development. And we are also very happy to see the country's real construction and changes over the years. In the current environment of an overall slowdown in global economic development, Indonesia has still maintained a steady growth trend. In 2023, Indonesia's GDP will grow by 5.05% year-on-year, with total GDP reaching 20,892.4 trillion rupiah, approximately US$1.39 trillion, and per capita GDP reaching US$4,919. At the same time, a stable and good business environment and a positive and optimistic consumer market have promoted the rapid growth of Indonesia's economy.
The current relationship between Indonesia and China is at its best period in history. The implementation and implementation of a number of large-scale infrastructure projects represented by the "Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed ​​Railway" have truly laid a good foundation for Indonesia's economic development. Nowadays, more and more Chinese companies are considering Indonesia as the first country for strategic layout of "going abroad".
Zhang Jinxiong further pointed out that Jilin Province is an old industrial base in Northeast China, has strong technical strength and good natural conditions, and is also an old friend and good friend of our chamber of commerce. Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association is willing to maintain good communication and cooperation with the Jilin Provincial Foreign Affairs Office and various departments and agencies of the Jilin Provincial Government. Let’s jointly contribute our efforts to promote economic, trade and cultural cooperation between China and Indonesia. Finally, I sincerely wish the Jilin Provincial delegation a successful trip to Indonesia.
Li Jianhua, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Jilin Province, pointed out that we are the Belt and Road Initiative support team. Our main purpose of visiting Indonesia this time is to take a look at the investment and development of Jilin Province enterprises in Indonesia and see what these enterprises need our support and help for. In the meantime, we took the time to visit some old friends. In addition, enterprises in Jilin Province also need to go out to attract investment and establish economic and trade exchanges with other countries.
Li Jianhua also briefly introduced the current economic development of Jilin Province through this exchange with entrepreneurs from Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association. He said that compared with 2013, Jilin Province has undergone earth-shaking changes. Last year, Jilin Province's GDP reached 1.35 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.3% over the same period last year, which is higher than the average growth rate of 5% in other provinces. In short, the development speed of Jilin Province in recent years is still good. I hope that through this exchange, we can further strengthen cooperation with Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association in economic and trade and other fields, and contribute to the development of trade between Indonesia and Jilin Province. After the exchange between the two sides, the leaders of both sides presented souvenirs to each other and took photos.
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