Zhuhai Economic and Trade Delegation visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Strengthen Cooperation
May 16, 2024
Zhuhai Economic and Trade Delegation visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Strengthen Cooperation
Zhuhai Economic and Trade Delegation visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Strengthen Cooperation
(Jakarta News) A 27-member economic and trade delegation led by Zhuhai Vice Mayor Li Chong, including Shi Xuebin, Director of the Zhuhai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation, Huang Nanyin, President of the Zhuhai Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and Wang Nanyin, Deputy Director of the Zhuhai Municipal Commerce Bureau Wei, Wang Shiyu, deputy section chief of the Zhuhai Municipal Commerce Bureau, and other entrepreneurs visited the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association at 11 a.m. on April 23, 2024 (Tuesday), and were warmly welcomed by General Chairman Zhang Jinxiong, Secretary General Zhou Weiliang, Vice Chairman Chen Xin and other directors , hoping that through this exchange, cooperation between the two parties in business, investment and other fields can be deepened.
Zhang Jinxiong, General Chairman of the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said that Indonesia has always attached great importance to exchanges and cooperation with China. The "Marine Fulcrum Power" construction plan proposed by the Indonesian government echoes the "Belt and Road" initiative. The "golden sign" of cooperation between the two countries - " Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed ​​Railway", as well as the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor", industrial parks, etc., have achieved fruitful results in cooperation. Last year, China’s investment in Indonesia reached US$7.4 billion, continuing to become Indonesia’s second largest source of foreign investment. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Indonesia will once again exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars, reaching 127.1 billion U.S. dollars. China has been Indonesia's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years.
With the full entry into force of RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) in Indonesia, it will also bring more cooperation opportunities for trade and investment between the two countries. We very much welcome Chinese companies to set up manufacturing and production bases in Indonesia, make good use of Indonesia's resources and labor advantages, share the tariff advantages of RCEP, and truly achieve consultation, co-construction, sharing and win-win.
Zhuhai is an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It has an advantageous geographical location and has experienced rapid economic development in recent years.
Today, Vice Mayor Li Chong personally led a delegation to visit. We are very happy and welcome entrepreneurs from Zhuhai to bring advanced manufacturing technology and craftsmanship to Indonesia and participate in Indonesia's economic and social construction. The Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association will, as always, actively leverage its platform advantages to provide everyone with necessary consultation and assistance. We look forward to entrepreneurs from our two countries working together to create a better future of cooperation. Finally, I wish everyone a successful trip to Indonesia and a prosperous career.
Li Chong, deputy mayor of Zhuhai City, said that Indonesia is the third stop of our visit, having previously visited Vietnam and Thailand. Through this exchange, we briefly introduced the economic and social development of Zhuhai City and the "coming out" situation of local enterprises. As one of the earliest special economic zones established in China and a national strategic key city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Zhuhai City is actively building the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. As a new economic and trade channel, we are willing to strengthen docking cooperation with Indonesia and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of China-Indonesia economy and trade.
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