Yin Hong, Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Led a Delegation to Visit ICEA to Promote Business Exchanges
May 16, 2024
Yin Hong, Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Led a Delegation to Visit ICEA to Promote Business Exchanges
Yin Hong, Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Led a Delegation to Visit ICEA to Promote Business Exchanges
(Jakarta News) Yin Hong, Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Li Jizhong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Fan Yong, Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangxi Province, Wang Xiwen, Director of the Secretariat of the General Office of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and other 15 entrepreneurs, April 2024 Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, November 24th, and was welcomed by President Zhang Jinxiong, Secretary General Zhou Weiliang, Vice Presidents Xue Tianzeng and Lian Jiehao, Supervisory Committee Member Wang Zhenkun and other directors. Also present were the Chinese Embassy in Minister Zhou Kan of the Indonesian Embassy.
Zhang Jinxiong, General Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, pointed out that Secretary Yin personally led a delegation to visit our association today. Here, on behalf of the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the guests! Indonesia and China are friendly neighbors facing each other across the sea. Since ancient times, our two countries have had close economic, trade and cultural exchanges. Since the beginning of the 21st century, economic cooperation between Indonesia and China has continued to deepen. Whether it is the frequent exchanges of visits between high-level governments of the two countries, or in many fields such as trade, investment, and infrastructure construction, the cooperation between the two countries has made great achievements. Notable achievements.
Zhang Jinxiong said, "The "Global Maritime Pivot" proposed by President Joko Widodo is highly consistent with President Xi's "One Belt, One Road" initiative. The "Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway" jointly built by the two countries, as well as the "Three-North Economic Corridor", industrial parks, etc. etc., and achieved fruitful results. Now that Indonesia has successfully completed its presidential election, the new government will continue its friendly policy towards China and is committed to deepening cooperation between the two countries. China is Indonesia’s largest trading partner. Last year, bilateral trade between China and Indonesia increased. The amount once again exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars, reaching 127.1 billion U.S. dollars, and China’s investment in Indonesia reached 7.4 billion U.S. dollars, continuing to become Indonesia’s second largest source of foreign investment.”
Jiangxi, endowed with abundant resources and outstanding people, is a major economic and mining province in central China. The Jiangxi Provincial Government and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce have also maintained good communication and exchanges. We very much welcome the Jiangxi Provincial Government and entrepreneurs to visit Indonesia and look for new cooperation opportunities. The Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce will also continue to act as a bridge of communication and cooperation between the two parties, provide necessary consultation and assistance to everyone who invests and settles in Indonesia, and actively contributes to promoting economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges between Indonesia and China. Finally, I sincerely wish Secretary Yin and all of you a successful and fruitful trip to Indonesia.
Yin Hong, Secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, said in his speech that this time I led the Jiangxi Provincial delegation to visit Indonesia, mainly to thoroughly implement President Xi Jinping’s initiative on jointly building the “Belt and Road”, to further deepen friendly exchanges between Jiangxi and Indonesia, and to promote bilateral economic and trade cooperate. Here, on behalf of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association for its long-term concern and support for the economic and social development of Jiangxi!
China and Indonesia are good neighbors, good friends and good partners. In recent years, relations between the two countries have maintained a strong momentum of development, with fruitful cooperation in various fields and close trade and investment relations. China has been Indonesia's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years. As a widely influential Chinese business association in Indonesia, the Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce actively leverages the advantages of Chinese businessmen and adheres to the founding purpose of "uniting Chinese business enterprises and promoting Indonesia's economic construction" to bridge the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and promote the "One Belt, One Road" initiative and the development of Indonesia. Strategic alignment will help build a community with a shared future between China and Indonesia in the new era. In particular, President Zhang Jinxiong has put a lot of effort and work into deepening communication and exchanges and cooperation between China and Indonesia over the years and promoting Indonesian Chinese to inherit Chinese culture. He has made important contributions to helping China and Indonesia seek common development and win-win future, which is impressive. Very admired and moved.
At present, under the leadership of the leaders of the two countries, the China-Indonesia comprehensive strategic partnership continues to deepen and become more solid, and China-Indonesia relations have entered a new stage of jointly building a community with a shared future. This has laid the foundation for Jiangxi to deepen cooperation with Indonesia in various fields such as economy, trade, and culture. A solid foundation.
Yin Hong further pointed out that he sincerely hopes that Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association and President Zhang Jinxiong will give full play to their advantages in funds, information, and connections to continue to promote cultural exchanges and business cooperation between the two countries, and actively help promote and promote Jiangxi, mostly to Indonesian companies. Jiangxi Investment and Industry Matchmaking will continue to care and help Jiangxi enterprises investing in Indonesia, and promote cooperation between Jiangxi and Indonesia in the fields of humanities, economy, trade, tourism and other fields. We will, as always, create good conditions and provide high-quality services for everyone to travel, visit and exchange, and invest in Jiangxi. Finally, I sincerely wish Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to prosper and prosper.
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