A Delegation from The Sichuan Provincial Economic and Trade Cooperation Bureau Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
May 16, 2024
A Delegation from The Sichuan Provincial Economic and Trade Cooperation Bureau Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
A Delegation from The Sichuan Provincial Economic and Trade Cooperation Bureau Visited Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association to Enhance Cooperation
(Jakarta News) Chen Xin, Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, Secretary-General Zhou Weiliang, Chen Yongzhi, Lin Songshi, etc., at 2:30 pm on April 23, 2024 (Tuesday), welcomed the deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Economic Cooperation Bureau at the club Yi Yang, Li Wei, first-level director of the Economic Cooperation Division of the Economic Cooperation Bureau, Han Yilin, deputy director of the Activity Organization Division of the Economic Cooperation Bureau and other personnel visited.
Chen Xin, vice president of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, pointed out that Indonesia has successfully held an election and the new government will continue its friendly policies and be committed to deepening constructive cooperation between the two countries. China is Indonesia's largest trading partner and important source of investment. There is huge potential for cooperation between the two countries. We very much welcome more Chinese companies to invest in Indonesia and carry out development in a wide range of fields such as new energy, technology, agriculture, food security, fishery, marine industry, and education. All-round cooperation to help Indonesia’s economic and social development.
Sichuan is a major economic, resource-rich, agricultural and technological province in western China. It is known as the "Land of Abundance". There is vast potential for economic and trade cooperation between the two sides, as well as rich needs for cultural exchanges.
As an Indian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association has been committed to promoting business cooperation and friendly exchanges between Indonesia and China. We know that Sichuan Province plays an important role in China's economic development. Sichuan and our Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association have always maintained close and friendly exchanges and cooperation. During the epidemic, we have received many donations from Sichuan, and we would like to express our heartfelt thanks.
Today, government representatives led by Deputy Director Yi came to Indonesia to visit, exchange and cooperate. We hope that through this exchange meeting, we can enhance mutual understanding and better promote cooperation between the two parties in various fields such as economy and trade. Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association is willing to build a broader platform for business cooperation between Sichuan and Indonesia and create more cooperation opportunities for enterprises in the two places. Finally, I wish you all a complete success in your trip to Indonesia.
Yi Yang, deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Economic Cooperation Bureau, said that Indonesia is an important partner for Sichuan’s foreign economic, trade and investment cooperation. It is an important step for Sichuan Province to deepen its southward open cooperation, actively integrate into the “Belt and Road” national strategy and expand cooperation with the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement”. 》(RCEP) is a key cooperation area for national economic cooperation, with broad space for cooperation in new energy, green industry, finance, food, logistics and other fields.
In 2023, the import and export volumes of Sichuan and Indonesia were 1.7379 million yuan respectively. As of the end of 2023, Indonesia has established a total of 30 foreign-invested enterprises in Sichuan, with foreign direct investment of US$2.17 million (the above are all foreign investment data since 1998).
Yi Yang pointed out that Sichuan attaches great importance to foreign investment, especially the development of Indonesia in Sichuan. In May last year, Wang Xiaohui, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, led a Sichuan delegation to visit Indonesia.
On the basis of consolidating existing cooperation results, we are willing to further deepen cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, agriculture, clean energy, trade and investment, cultural tourism and sister city construction, so as to better assist the economic and social development of the two places and create more new highlights of cooperation. We sincerely welcome more Indonesian companies to come to Sichuan to develop and expand markets. Sichuan will work with everyone with the greatest sincerity, the best environment, and the best service to create a better future! Finally, I wish everyone a prosperous career and good health.
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