Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Welcomes The Delegation from The Hebei Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade
April 19, 2024
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Welcomes The Delegation from The Hebei Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Welcomes The Delegation from The Hebei Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade
(Jakarta News) General Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association Zhang Jinxiong, Vice Presidents Lien Jiehao and Jiang Miaocheng, Secretary General Zhou Weiliang, Supervisory Committee Member Wang Zhenkun and other directors welcomed the Chinese delegation at the club at 4:00 pm on April 17, 2024 (Wednesday) A 21-member delegation led by Liu Jinsong, Chairman of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Council for the Promotion of International Trade, including Zhang Yuexian, Vice Mayor of the Tangshan Municipal People's Government of Hebei Province, Xiang Yangming, Vice Chairman of the Tangshan Municipal Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Hu Wei, Chairman of the Chengde Municipal Committee, and Tian Haikuan, Chairman of the Langfang Municipal Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, were present. Also present were Li Feng, the first generation representative of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Indonesia.
Zhang Jinxiong, General Chairman of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, said, please allow me, on behalf of all Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, to extend a warm welcome and sincere greetings to all of you!
As the world's largest producer of natural rubber and palm oil, Indonesia has huge development potential in agriculture and mineral resources. Indonesia has 40% of the world's geothermal resources. It is the world's largest coal exporter, the second largest tin producer, and the fourth largest bauxite producer. Its nickel reserves are approximately 72 million tons, ranking first in the world and accounting for approximately 1% of the world's total nickel reserves. 52% of reserves. Of course, in addition to mineral resources, Indonesia is also very rich in cocoa, coffee, marine fishery resources, forest resources, tropical fruits and other resources, and has broad market cooperation prospects.
Zhang Jinxiong said, "Indonesia has always attached great importance to economic and trade cooperation and cultural and social exchanges with China. China has been Indonesia's largest international trading partner for more than ten years. According to data from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2023, the bilateral trade volume between the two countries will once again Breaking through 100 billion U.S. dollars, reaching 127.1 billion U.S. dollars. According to data from the Indonesian Ministry of Investment, Indonesia will attract a total of 744 trillion Indonesian rupiahs in 2023, approximately 47 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 13.7%, while China will attract 13.94 billion. The U.S. dollar remains Indonesia’s second largest source of investment (USD 7.438 billion from Mainland China and USD 6.9 billion from Hong Kong).”
Zhang Jinxiong further pointed out that Hebei Province is an important economic and agricultural province in China, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region where it is located is one of the most dynamic, open and innovative regions in China. Today, we are very happy that Chairman Liu personally led a delegation to visit us. We also welcome friends and companies from Hebei to visit Indonesia more and look for new cooperation opportunities. The Indonesian Chinese Chamber of Commerce will continue to act as a bridge for cooperation between the two parties, provide necessary legal and regulatory consultation for Hebei enterprises visiting Indonesia for investment, promote exchanges and cooperation between the two parties, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win goals. Finally, I wish you all a successful trip to Indonesia.
Liu Jinsong, President of the Hebei Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that he is very happy to gather with you in Jakarta, Indonesia, to participate in the Hebei-Indonesia Economic and Trade Matchmaking Exchange Conference and the 2024 China International Geographical Indication Brand Cooperation Conference Global Tour-Indonesia Station, to share development opportunities and discuss practical cooperation.
He said that currently, Hebei is in the most concentrated period of major opportunities, with various advantages superimposed and released, and the most favorable period for advancement. President Xi Jinping personally planned and promoted the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the construction of Xiongan New Area and other major national strategies and national events. With fruitful results, the province's business environment continues to be optimized and its energy and vitality continue to increase, making it an important destination for more and more companies to invest and start businesses. These opportunities have great prospects for deepening economic and trade cooperation between Indonesia and Hebei. We are willing to share development opportunities with friends from all walks of life in Indonesia, and take this docking exchange meeting as an opportunity to further expand areas of pragmatic cooperation and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.
Liu Jinsong said that I would like to make four suggestions here. The first is to strengthen economic and trade investment cooperation, the second is to strengthen agricultural cooperation, the third is to strengthen cultural and tourism cooperation, and the fourth is to strengthen cooperation with business associations. As a bridge linking the government and enterprises, the Hebei Council for the Promotion of International Trade plays an important role in promoting two-way investment, strengthening trade cooperation, and helping enterprises to operate internationally. We will continue to provide high-quality, efficient and pragmatic services to promote all-round exchanges and cooperation between Hebei and Indonesia. We look forward to working with new and old friends to further share development opportunities, intensify friendly exchanges, deepen pragmatic cooperation, and strive to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the two parties. Win a new chapter in development.
Later, Zhang Yuexian, deputy mayor of Tangshan City, introduced the latest development of Tangshan City in the economy and other fields, and hoped to have more exchanges with Indonesian friends and promote cooperation between the two parties in various fields. After the introduction and exchange between the two parties, Zhou Weiliang, secretary-general of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association, and Hao Yichang, representative of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, signed a cooperation agreement. Afterwards, representatives of both parties exchanged souvenirs and took photos.
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